Saturday, November 8, 2008

I am an ass

hole.  This girl basically said she was disgusted with me.  Yeah disgusted.  I am not sure what the reason was.  The only thing I could imagine it being, is the fact that I don't like her?  I liked her for a little while but her god damn insecurities drove me nuts.  Every 5 minutes, Do you still like me?  Are you ok?  I think I'll keep being annoying as piss.  Is that ok with you?... Do you still like me?  Bitch made me want to punch her in the throat.  I find it interesting how quickly someone can turn on you when you aren't what they desire.  You can be close, but if you aren't what they want then you become a piece of disgusting shit.

It's that darned crazy bitch demographic again.  I'd like to be her friend still.  She really is a nice person and you don't come across too many of those types nowadays.  

I'll try to make my next blog significantly better.  My past couple have been lacking in cool.  So look out for the next one.  It should be pretty tasty.


lovan said...

hahaha this reminds me of something. my friend dated this girl for a while that was so insecure, that when she was finished giving him blow jobs, she would ask him if she did a good job.

ftw! lol!

lovan said...

also being an asshole rules, fuck that skank.

hooray4cookies said...

Haha I had a girl like that one time. She would always text me right when I was trying to go to sleep. I'm not really a text message kind of dude, and when I keep getting messages like 'why haven't you talked to me since this morning?' or 'is everything alright with us?' when I'm trying to fall asleep I'm not a happy camper.

Annoying as piss, indeed.

Brian said...

dude us Brians have it rough with the ladies, however we do tend to be pretty happening dudes. And at least your friend got a bj out of it. All I got was a big terd on my chest called guilt. Lucky for me though I don't care about much. That includes guilt terds.


Brian said...

and to hooray.
Texting is the gay. When that hoe texts you don't answer. When you see her the next time she will be like "What's wrong?" Thats when you throw your phone at her at kick her in the uterus.