Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Every time I

eat white rice I think of the movie "Three Ninjas".  How wild is that?  I always think of the scene at the very beginning of the movie there was this massive bowl of white rice and I just remember how amazing it looked.  As they were about to enjoy it a bunch ninjas came in and attacked them.  How I loved that movie.  Like these 9 year old kids were knocking out full grown dudes with one punch to the stomach.  Epic.  My favorite part was where those two stoner dudes where in their car after getting some slurpies.  They started to move but then were abruptly halted when they hit a random ass cop car.  The dudes looked at each other and said, "fender bender".  I know it doesn't seem like much of a scene but it was how they said it and looked at each other, that made me giggle every time.  

Back to the rice.  Something about that rice just seems so peaceful.  Like if I were to ingest some then I could have that same tranquility.  I think that is the reason I enjoy the color white so much.  Oh and after one of the "Jackie Chan Adventure"(or some crap like that) shows, they asked Jackie what is favorite color was and he said (paraphrasing), "I like white because it is so pure and clean.  I always wear white shirts.  They seem to relax me."  Since in my youth I liked Jackie Chan and "Three Ninjas" I think that has some correlation to my love for white clothing and such.

On a side note I understand white is not technically a color but the absence of it.  It's just easier to say "color" than to say "My favorite color is the absence of it."  Yah digg?

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