Wednesday, November 26, 2008


giving is fucking retarded.  The same for christmas and valentine's day.  Basically all the holidays that say you have to go out and buy shit are fucking retarded.  Why one day of the year?  Why not everyday you show your mother you love her?  

2.  My uncle's friend told me Radioshack was hiring.  I went in there and they were basically like "NO".  Cool man.  I should have known.  He was drunk as hell so I should have understood from his slurred speech and rotten ass breath that he was full of shit. 

3.  Me and Vianca seem to be going out of our way to avoid each other.  I was going to go to this meeting thing to keep some band shit for the elementary school.  Well she wanted to go at the last minute.  I didn't very much care to see her so I ended up not going.  So I suppose in retaliation she missed our next class.  Man it's weird how quickly my feelings towards people change.  I had a crush on her at first.  She was supposedly done with a lot of retarded ass shit which I thought was awesome.  However, I soon found out that she had the sense of humor of someone who had been comatose for the past 6 years.  And also the fact that she is shit didn't help her cause too much either.  

4.  I'm going to see God Is An Astronaut on December 6th in San Francisco.  I'm currently looking for more shows in that time period to go to.  My step mom has decided that she is going to send me money.  So instead of buying shit for school I'm going to buy shit that's worthwhile, tickets to shows and gas to get there.  

5.  This girl who I used to have sex with quite frequently back in Alabama got word that I was coming back to visit.  Basically she said something along the lines of, "When you get back we are going to fuck nonstop."  Actually that was pretty much verbatim.  I told her no and she acted like she didn't hear it.  No matter how many times I said it.  So I pretty much gave up on that.  I really don't want to do it with her ever again.  However, she is some kind of master of seduction.  Have to wait and see how it goes I suppose.  

That's about all the news for now that I can think of.  

1 comment:

hooray4cookies said...

I think Mother's Day/Father's Day are the dumbest basically because of what you just said.

So we pick one day out of the year to be nice to them and buy them shit...awesome.