Sunday, November 23, 2008


there are a lot of ideas in my head right now.  A lot of things have happened in the past couple of days.  Instead of trying to put them in a coherent story I'm just going to make a list.  

Last night was the best night I have had in a quite some time.  Hung out with my cousins and laughed harder than I can recall in recent memory.  I'm not even sure what it is that starts these giggle sessions.  It seems like every time we hang out there is always some point where we all start laughing uncontrollably.  We were playing fucking Poke'mon Stadium and Super Smash on the N64 and Julian was attempting to draw some of the action.  His version of DK getting blasted by Samus is the stuff of legends.  Also, I'm very impressed in my boy Bino's improvement in musical taste.  When I came out here he was listening to radio rock.  Last night, however, we were listening to BTBAM, Norma Jean, Unearth, August Burns Red, and so many more tasty morsels.  My next step is to get him into post rock.  Then it is off to Indie and eventually DnB.  I listen to everything that is good.  It just takes some time and effort to understand that there is a whole lot of shit in different genres that is awesome.  I don't want him or anyone really to miss out.

Next.  A long time ago when I was in 10th grade I had a mad crush on this incredibly attractive young lady.  Well to avoid a long gay ass story... nothing really happened there.  Anyway, I guess I struck her as some kind of super sweetheart or some shit.  So, now, she calls me and IMs me from time to time only to remind me that we were never together.  Which now I could give a shit because frankly she looks like a clown and is kind of a tramp.  TBH.  Basically she always says something about having sex with her ex, about how her life sucks, and how she wishes I was there.  It's so funny when she talks to me.  I think she still believes I like her or something.  She will say something like "FINE, I'm going to go then." after one of my "sassy" remarks.  I only ever reply with "ok." or something to that effect.  Then she gets super angry.  Really?  What's up with me and crazy bitches anyway?  You may wonder why I still talk to her.  Truth is I never burn bridges unless I feel like that person is a legitimately bad person.  I may not really ever talk to them or even like them but if they ever needed me I would be there.  In other words, I'm gay.

Let's see what else.  Oh I'm going to go back to Alabama sometime after Christmas for a while.   I talked to some peeps over there and a handful of comrades still exist.  So basically for some period of time it will be me with Matt, Sanders, and Sean.  I know you don't know who they are but those are my best friends so far.  I'm mostly excited for Matt.  Yeah that's pretty gay sounding.  But god dammit I never have more fun than when we hang out.  OH OH and Monique and Rachel are going to be there.  More people you guys don't know or care about.  Shit dude I had more friends than I realized.  This trip is rather totally going to make me regret my move or it's finally going to cure my homesickness. 

There is probably some more mundane shit going on that I've forgotten.  If I remember I'll be sure to keep you guys posted.  

1 comment:

hooray4cookies said...

Glad to see you're doing better, man.

See, not everyone on Earth is a giant douche-face.