Sunday, November 30, 2008

I'm getting

worse and worse at writing these things.  

Okay so I just got a voicemail from my an old friend and that shit just gave me the goofiest fucking grin.  That really just made my day.  More like my week.

I've also been thinking about lyrics in songs.  More so than usual.

"If I cut your skin off, you'd look just like me."

"We should be back to back.  
But then it would be harder to stab you in the back.  
We should be back to back.  
But then it would be harder to slash your throat.  
We should be back to back."

"Well you know I hardly speak.
And when I do it's just for you.
I haven't said a word in weeks.
Because they've been keeping me from you.
There's a way where there's a will
You know I got no need for stairs
Step out on the window seal
And fall with me into the air"

Those are some of the lyrics that have been stuck in my head these past couple of days.

Oh yesterday was pretty gay.  I decided to do my uncle a favor.  That was a bad idea.  I went fucking shopping for his daughter.  I had to buy her a PINK Nintendo DS.  Has to be fucking pink.  Well I drive the hour drive it takes to actually participate in any kind of shopping experience.  Only to find that nobody has fucking PINK ones.  So I drive around wasting all my fucking gas on his daughters fucking PINK toy.  Not only that but yesterday there was so many fucking people everywhere.  All these people coming out to spend their money on the most insignificant material shit.  Then again what was I doing but perpetuating this behavior?  I hate feeling like I'm contributing to the shithole that is society.  Thankfully I had enough metal in my music arsenal to keep me sane.  Which reminds me, when the fuck did kids get to be so picky?  I remember for me it was nothing like this.  I got a bike one year... but it was a girl's bike.  Turns out my dad thought it was my sister's birthday.  I still rode that shit until they took it away from me 2 weeks later and told me I looked like a faggot riding around on it.  At what point, between then and now, did kids not only get to choose what they wanted and actually got it, but to specify such bullshit like color.  I realize I used the word fucking quite a bit.  If I had an ability to articulate what I was saying with a broader vocabulary without sounding like a total asshole I totally would.

Whatev I got some more metal in my itunes now.  A lot more.  I've missed it.
Bring the mother fucking ruckus.

1 comment:

hooray4cookies said...


You had me loling on the color thing.

I can totally imagine you just driving around with some little toddler, desperately wanting to turn on some metal and blast her ears off haha