Thursday, May 28, 2009

Down, Set, Destroy

Last night was the last Philosophy class before the final exam.  I've never related to anyone this well before. The ideas of Nietzsche, Ortega y Gasset, and Rousseau to name a few. I know it's a bit of a paradox combining such stark nihilists with a  guy like Ortega y Gasset. But their positions on the mass man, the herd man, have been the same things I've always thought since I was a boy.

"When fighting a monster, be careful not to become one yourself. For when you stare long into the abyss, the abyss stares into you."

This quote by Nietzsche (possibly a bit mauled after being recited straight from memory and not text) is referring to the nothingness that surrounds human life. When you are a nihilist and accept that there is nothing with meaning and everything in itself is void of importance it becomes easy to lose your humanity (whatever that means). 

I say this because I believe I am at least some part nihilist. Not as severe as Nietzsche or Hemmingway but at least some part nihilist. 

There is always an aspect of elitism in their works. Such has been my belief since I can remember. When I see people I know I always look at them in terms of potential and what they already are. I assess what they could be and if they are capable of getting there. And if you can believe I never answer these things. I must leave room for the unknown and never assume I know anything of anyone or things of that nature. And that truth is arbitrary contrary to popular belief. AAAAHHHHHHHH I don't even know anymore.

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