Wednesday, May 20, 2009

A Decline of Candor

There is a part of me that feels like I need to be remembered on some mass scale.  I feel as if I'm holding all these things from the world and the world doesn't care.  Regardless of the magnitude of what I could bring, this place won't allow it.  What could I contribute that could deter an entire society from itself?  

And you know, when I reflect upon myself like I usually do, very often does my mind wonder on to metacognition.  I see these things in no other person and even worse, I believe that these are as apparent as any other aesthetically distinctive attribute.  Does no one else feel this decline?  I know these thoughts aren't coherent right now I just want to write them down.  I don't ever want to forget these things that now define who I am.  

There will be a continuation on this another time.

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