Thursday, April 2, 2009


After a very strenuous debate with myself, I've decided that I'm really an asshole.

I received a comment on my picture that read "You're wonderful."  How the fuck am I supposed to respond to that?

So for Philosophy class last night we had a town meeting of sorts.  City board members wanted ideas from kids at the college and they gave us the rundown on what they wanted and what was needed.  In groups.  Basically everyone was acting like they had some brilliant shit to share. Well, unfortunately pretty much everyone was retarded.  Let's rely more on volunteerism and start more city funded recreation programs for the youth.  Yes because at these times everyone's going to want to fucking volunteer and because of our deficit let's spend more on bullshit.  Let's increase tourism and put up a ToT tax.  Yeah because this country isn't totally in the shitter and all kinds of people are going to want to spend what extra money they have coming to this shithole.  Now, I realize I sound like a doucheface but you have got to be realistic about this.  And since I didn't really have any solutions of my own I bit my tongue and let them spew.  

And you know almost all of my life I have considered myself an idealist.  But as I continue to mature and evolve I realize that I am now more of a realist.  I have always strived to better myself, towards perfection.  I acknowledge that this is not possible but this quandary seems to always resurface.  If you better yourself closer to perfection what are you giving up?  I feel as though when you improve certain aspects of your life other areas suffer.  What part of me has been damaged so far?

Time you must wait for me, this process is taking longer than expected.  I've been besieged by contempt for that which I cannot condone.  Embrace me.  Take me in as your own.  I will progress.  We are so abrupt in our intercourse.  An impromptu exchange of lusts and desires. Come now, fill me with your words, they swear things I should not believe but it is the manner in which you speak that makes me betray truth.  Oh but how much sweeter is the web you weave than the bitter disdain of life on all that I treasure.  

1 comment:

Pairsa said...

I don't think you're an asshole.

You say "Thank you." or "You too." That's what I used to do. Even if you don't mean it; it's at least polite. :]

I'm pretty sure your city board members need to focus on becoming financially stable before investing money in other things. Also, it’s not really helping anyone by focusing on an idea that’s not going to work in the first place. I think that you should have said something. Even if all you did was shoot ideas down, maybe it could have lead to something amazing. It’s all about the process of elimination. But I'm not exactly one to talk. I would have done the exact same thing you did.