Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Choose this dearest,

I got into a car accident today.  My whole body feels like poo especially my back and my face.  My car is fucked.  Too bad to drive but not bad enough to be considered wrecked.  Not that it matters because I don't have collision coverage on my insurance.  FUCK.  However, I think I'm going to take that fucker to court.  The bastard caused it then left.  If he stayed and was remorseful and shit I wouldn't act like this but instead he wanted to be a douch nozzle.

So what happened?  I was speeding... a decent bit but nothing crazy.  I was passing this semi and as I was almost passed him I saw him turn on his turn signal.  I thought there is no way he doesn't see me.  He's just putting the signal up early for after I pass him.  NOPE.  I guess he didn't see me anyway.  So I see him start merging into my lane.  Oh on a side note just so you understand the road and my predicament better the road is two lanes with a big grassy median and on the other side of that median is two more lanes of highway heading south.  Ok continuing, he was coming into my lane and I was trying to think of the best course of action.  I tried slowing down but I was too far up there was no way I was going to not get destroyed by his trailer if I did that.  So I tried to speed up past him and that was probably a bad idea.  He started to merge faster giving me a very malnourished slice of road to work with.  Well I ran out of road and the area by his door rammed into my front right and as this happened I lost control of the car.  It shot me across the median, across the other lanes of traffic, over/through a fence, and passed a ditch.  Luckily I was smart enough not to brake as this was happening because if I had my wheels would have locked and I would have flipped and rolled.  When I eventually stopped I remember asking myself where the fuck this blood came from and why the fuck my back hurt so much.  I pried my door open and when I got out some cool dudes were already there.  They called 911 for me and helped me stand up and such.  When the ambulance came I remember thinking that this was a bit unnecessary but I guess it kind of was.  Those dudes were even cooler.  I remember that guy checking my body out (for wounds!) and in the process I made poor jokes about stupid things.  Then some more dudes came out and got me ready for the stretcher which made me make a lot more really awful attempts at humor.  I guess they were pretty fucking surprised at my demeanor considering what I had just gone through.  I was thinking to myself why I'm smiling right now so much and why do I keep saying stupid shit.  I reckon I was just happy to be alive.  Ok now I've been reading this and I have to be honest about how terrible this passage has been so far so I'm going to sum the rest up quickly.  I went to the hospital, tried to hit on the nurse and she told me to put my blanket back on (I had only been wearing boxers underneath it), had some X-rays for the first time, went home made a bunch of shitty phone calls, and then laid down and tried to sleep for 2 hours before writing this.

I'm pretty fucking lucky.  For me to only have these minor injuries considering what could have happened.  It's wild to think about.  Add on to that this story...

March 1st, 2007, my whole school was sitting in the hallways bullshitting and being gay.  We had been in the halls for so long that the school was encouraging us to call our parents to come get us.  We had been under a tornado warning from about 11:12 AM until roughly 1:15 PM.  That's when the lights started flickering and some girls began to scream.  I remember someone asking, "what's happening?" and then my Vice Principal responding with, "Really bad weather."  I thought "how dumb" then I could hear the wind.  The door next to me swung open and I started being pelted with debris.  Is this really happening?  I was in total disbelief.  As I looked up afterwards a whole fraction of my school was destroyed, just a pile of debris.  The hallway I was on stopped just after me.  It was me, an inch of wall, then devastation.  And as I rose I hit my head on something.  It was a pole or pipe or something that was seriously like 2 inches away from impaling my head.  Eight students died that day, all of them on the hall that I was on.  

I guess there is something looking out for me somewhere or maybe I'm just super lucky.  I kind of always want to believe it's my mother.  And so I do.  

I'm terribly sorry for the shit writing and total lack of interesting content.  I'm kind of woozy and my mind isn't really thinking that well right now.


Pairsa said...

HOLY SHIT. Are you ok?! Did you at least honk your horn when he was coming into your lane? So you hurt your face and your back, but what are your injuries exactly? And how did they happen? I don't believe you mentioned that, just that there was blood.

Oh and "lack of interesting content"? Are you kidding me? You almost fucking died. Twice.

I think it's your mom, too. It sure as hell is something and I’m not inclined toward the whole “Jesus take the wheel” theory. Anything's possible. :]

Shit. I hate semis. Take him to court, for sure.

Brian said...

I'm fine, I did not honk my horn, I'm not entirely sure how I hurt them it all happened so fast, so fast that I somehow managed to rip my pants in the process.

Well I could have wrote the stuff out better. I just kind of threw it out there without any kind of interesting detailed support.

Let's start a we hate semi-s movement.

Pairsa said...

You probably should have honked your horn, that's kind of what it's there for lol.

I don't know man, I was pretty interested. I had my hand over my mouth the whole time I was reading it. It sounded pretty fucking scary.

Haha, oh yes. There will be t-shirts made and everything

hooray4cookies said...

This story makes you sound dangerous. I think the females like that?

Brian said...

T-shirts saying, "Fuck trucks" or something like that.

And to you Hooray4cookies

I think chicks do dig that sort of thing. But for some reason not on me. Anyway, I'm glad to see you back around. I'll be checking your blog again and I expect some cool stories from your absence.