Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Incomplete as a Leech

I refuse to believe this optimism is through any fault of my own.  I know you have to be suppressing the same kind of things that inhibit us from being we.  If I could just latch on to you and see myself better I could perfect this for you.  But surely our dialogues would be dominated by the professions of my admiration towards you.  Your only replies would be to humor my affection.  And when the charade has proceeded past its expiration your patience will dim and ties will be severed.  Then, though, there are these words that I want to share with you. I want you to delight in them like I do.  If we were to accept this we could be forever and on that I swear.  Even if I were to wrestle you into submission it seems as if my body would be enveloped in a sheath of your animosity.  And for me to cover you with it would be something of no significance to you.  Just slip through and continue onward.  Past me.  

My cousin just got Super Smash Brothers Brawl!!!!  FUCK YES. 

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