Thursday, March 26, 2009

Formal Glutton

I hate to sound like a dick but... overly religious people need to just combine and form some kind of cult in which they all have to believe ridiculous bullshit and do incredibly retarded things to stay in their god's good graces.  OH WAIT.  
I was thinking about writing something dealing with comets, Nike's, and poison punch but I decided it would be better not to.

I'm so fucking tired of seeing and hearing these religious fanatics talking about their love of Jesus.  Oh Jesus you are so loving, you are the cause of my everything.  I think I should go out and be a pompous asshole to everyone because, although it didn't seem cool before, I gotta admit, it looks like a good time now.  Seriously chill the fuck out.  Stop making stupid analogies, stupid quasi-scientific claims, and bumper stickers.  Thank you.  I know I sound like I'm bitter or some shit but really if I have to read another person's profile stating that "through Jesus anything is possible" or "God is always with you" I'm going to fucking explode.  If you love your religion that's fine.  But don't profess it to me and try to tell how to live my life.  Also, stop acting like you know something now.  No one knows anything that's worth a shit so get over it and stop acting condescending towards everyone else because your god tells you that you are superior.  k.  

1 comment:

Pairsa said...

I have a lot of issues regarding religion. I know people who use it as a form of self improvement and for greater human acceptance. I think that's what it's supposed to be. But I don't like it when people become so involved in their own beliefs that they close their minds off to any other way of life. It’s then that they become delusional and loose acceptance for others who don’t live as they do. It can be such beautiful thing; religion. I don't understand why people insist on making it so ugly and judgmental.