Sunday, April 12, 2009


No one can waste time like me.  GOD DAMMIT.  It's basically one of those really shitty awards that no one wants to be known for.  Like whoever sucked the worst at a sport or like a doctor who had the most malpractice lawsuits.  Something really shitty that stays with you forever i.e. genital warts or irritable bowl syndrome.  Maybe those aren't the greatest examples.  Anyway, I have a Statistics exam I should be working on that has like 2398479234 questions and since I haven't done anything relating to the subject in nearly 3 weeks I've forgotten how to do nearly all of it.  Add on to that the project thing that is due tomorrow morning, and exam thing in my music/guitar class (which I've actually decided I'm going to skip) AND the fact that I'm pretty sure I'm reading the wrong book for Philosophy, it's gone ahead and made my stress level go all gay mode and I kind of want to quit everything and just go into music.  But then I realized I actually suck pretty hard at that.  Which leaves the lone option which is to suck it up and do all the work which will undoubtedly consume the rest of tonight as well as the following 3 days.  Basically it's the nerdy/gay option in my head that everyone hates but knows is really right but hates it anyway. Probably out of spite.  

On the brightside I'm starting to formulate a plan.  Basically I'm going to consume mass quantities of ice cream, water, and pop tarts and with that surge of fruitful nutrition at my disposal I'll be able to masterfully accomplish little to none of what I had set out to do.  But that wasn't the real purpose.  It was actually to waste a lot of time and act like I'm trying when I'm really not.  That's as honestly as I see this going down.  And to be even more blunt I'm not even that crazy about ice cream or pop tarts.  I just feel like they should be a part of this with me for some reason.  

To add on to the gay, I have to decide what the fuck I'm doing this summer.  Too fucking many obligations and things with/for too many people.  And I think that's the cherry on the steaming turd of my life right now.

OH and I think I'm going to get to move out already!  Well not alone exactly but with my uncle. Which isn't that bad on account of my uncle working pretty frequently and rarely being home. So party at my house!  soon.  And by party I of course mean me hanging out by myself, probably naked, wasting time in some ways that is somehow superior when you are in the nude.  So I guess that's exciting.

OK OK fuck, I guess I'm going to get started on my work...


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