Tuesday, March 3, 2009

I can't

help but feel a little betrayed.  I suppose you really are the bitch you make yourself out to be. Although I didn't want to believe it, you've managed to persuade me.  Next time don't insult me with mock empathy just to be polite.  So basically.... fuck you.

So we got our first exams back from Statistics.  I was kind of worried about how I did but I pulled out a 93 so that's pretty awesome.  I glanced over at Vianca's paper  and saw nothing but red lines and question marks.  The teacher didn't even know what the fuck she was doing.  I couldn't help but laugh a little.  
So now she's going to drop.  Which is terrible news for my gas money fund.  


Pairsa said...

Those are some strong words :/

Congratulations on you're 93! However, I'm terribly sorry about your gas money fund.

Is she really that confused that she needs to drop?

Brian said...

Thank you!

And fuck bitches.

She's not going to try. Nor will she accept my help or advice without getting defensive. The ties need to be severed anyway so whatev.