Sunday, March 1, 2009

Drown me if you can

I don't know what to write anymore.  There's too much small talk.  Too little meaning.  And even less sincerity.  Why is it so hard to trust someone?  Are you afraid?  Are you ashamed to tell the truth about yourself?  And there goes time.  Don't you know you can lay into me?  With anything, with everything?  I can understand I guess.  Even piety can be consumed in fear.  But why? Imagine all the faces you've ever seen.  Of those how many can you really discern?  And what of those do you actually care for?  Please just break me.  Just fucking break me in already.  Who am I kidding?  Everyone knows I'm way too stubborn to give up.  Oh, the attrition on my mind.  If only you could see it.  Feeling just doesn't have the same effect anymore.  

Aristotle was a lot more happening than Plato.  He kept that shit real and was all like man fucking reality is everything that is around you.  Kind of an Atomist.  Where as Plato was into this whole theoretical, abstract, and convoluted interpretation of reality.  Aristotle was saying that God was in us.  Our capacity to think, and our intellect, was actually God.  Fucking brilliant.  Seems incredibly logical and plausible.  Everyone has their own interpretation of God, even atheists, so it only seems rational that this is a dogma in its self.  Or something.

Right now all I want to listen to is Explosions in the Sky.  Every song holds so many truths. Gives such a benign serenity even in the midst of certain calamity.  I'm starting to get that warm, blood rushing sensation again.  If it's heat could just wrap me up in its cocoon of tranquility.  Oh man, I'd be fucking set. 

I fear that we are burning
The false pretenses that held us close
But I'm too much of a coward
To say such words
And though you are all that I sing
And though we were still warm
Your silence is strangling my thoughts
You are not the everything I could have sworn.

I need something.


Pairsa said...

Oh man, the first part of this is intense. I'm not even sure what to make of it.

Based on what you’ve written about Aristotle and his views on God, I think I agree with him more that Plato. I don’t know though. I haven’t read either.

VERY nice lyrics. I like them a lot. I googled them and nothing came up so I'm assuming they're yours. Correct me if I'm wrong.

Brian said...

First part was mostly about how are insecurities make us skeptical and afraid and what not. Mostly just random thoughts kind of thrown together.

Yeah those are my lines. I'm glad you enjoyed them :).