Saturday, March 7, 2009

I think I'll do what I want.

Thanks.  I kind of feel like a badass right now.  I don't give a fuck about anything or anyone and I'm wearing my sleeveless Minus the Bear shirt that's totally showing off the guns.  Or would be if I wasn't wearing my hoodie.  

I had my first Philosophy exam Wednesday and I think I did pretty solid on that.  I don't know if I did enough analyzing but I regurgitated enough of the dialogue to at least get a B or something.  

There were a lot of laughs shared tonight.  My uncle and his friend were drinking and acting stupid.  So I decided to hang for a bit.  Well, we were watching something retarded on the TV and Eric my uncle's friend wouldn't shut the fuck up.  He kept cracking the most awful jokes then follow them with hysterical laughter causing me and my uncle to join.  Then we were watching some boxing match and we made bets on the winner and the round.

Uncle Carlos:  I'm picking the guy in the white shorts though
Eric:  You're going to lose friend
Carlos:  NO!  You see all those muscles on the other guy?  Yeah if he doesn't knock out my guy in the first couple of rounds it's over.  He's got all those muscles and he's going to get tired.  All those muscles require too much oxygen.  He's going to lose.  Watch.
Me:  You realize that these guys are pretty much the exact same size and weight.  One just has more muscle definition.
Carlos: No, that's biology 101
Me:  hahaha what the fuck are you talking about
Eric:  Hold on!  There's a cut over that guy's eye!  All the oxygen is escaping!  He's got all that oxygen.  We can probably chop down all the trees because there is so much of it.

So my and Eric's guy won and when we asked for our loot...

Eric:  Where's our money?!  Pay up
Carlos:  You throw down 2 dollars when I required a c note AT LEAST to even consider.
Me:  It was actually 3 dollars and that's all the money I had.
Carlos:  You can't throw down peanuts and want a steak!
Me:  hahaha What the fuck?
Carlos:  That's like bringing a knife to a gun fight
Eric:  Brother you're not making any sense
Carlos:  NO!  You fuckers try to throw down two dollars.  Fucking throwing down peanuts and trying to get a coconut.
Me: ahahahahahaha
Carlos:  I mean I don't even care if they are boiled or salted or whatever.
Eric:  Compa (spanish slang, kind of like dude) I think you need some of that oxygen that guy was leaking out
Carlos:  YOU guys bet 2 measly dollars.  It's like bringing pennies to a gun fight.  I'm not paying you shit.  

I laughed pretty hard at the fucking stupid that my uncle and his friend bring.  Oh man.  That was the hardest I've laughed in a really long time.  

In other news my guitar teacher pretty much wants my wang.  It's pretty obvious that I'm one of the only ones who practice or try.  So now I'll probably have to go around the class with him and try to show people how to play.  Which I don't even really mind.  There are a lot of old peeps in the class who remind me of my uncles and then the other peeps around my age all seem not terrible.  I'm actually considering talking to this girl in the class who's a pretty good piano player/singer about some band prospects.  

I'm missing someone but I trust them.  That's all I need.  Or will be.

1 comment:

Pairsa said...

Oh man, I laughed so hard reading this. "You can't throw down peanuts and want a steak!" That's my favorite. That, and pretty much every time they mentioned oxygen. I'm still not even sure where that logic came from.

Not terrible is good! I hope she agrees. Piano is an awesome aspect to any band. Also the musical knowledge that comes along with knowing how to play piano is very useful. It's a really complicated instrument.