Saturday, February 7, 2009

Sleeping Sleepers Sleep

My uncle and his friend Eric were totally trashed tonight.  And by my trashed I mean drunk of course.  And since I have nothing better to do on my Friday nights anymore I sat and watched them be retarded.  It's always the same thing though.  Tempers get short.  Increased usage of profanity.  And then the swapping of stories.  Oh and by stories I mean the same 3 that they happen to share.  They always come back to when they were kids or when they were drunk together.  Nothing from the time between about 28-40.  Nothing.  

So tonight as usual when they include me in the conversations it always has to do with my parents.  It's rather your Dad is a total piece of shit.  Or it's your Mom was awesome.  And nothing out of the ordinary happened.  

Eric:  If you want a job you have to talk to your Dad
Me:  That's the dumbest stipulation for a job I've ever heard
Eric:  Oh yeah?
Me:  Yes.
Carlos:  His father doesn't exist.  Brian wouldn't disagree with me.  Would you?
Me:  Not really
Eric:  Well he's still your Dad.
Carlos:  His Dad is a piece of shit.  That's why he lives here.

Basically they talked shit about my Dad for about half an hour or so.  I've heard it all before so it's whatev.  I could not care less about my father.  So if they want to talk shit to make themselves feel better who am I to stop them.  But then..

Eric:  You need to take him down to San Ardo.  You remember when we used to have those dances at the school?
Carlos:  Yeah
Eric:  I remember one time when I first moved here I was dancing with your Mom (referring to my mother).  We were like in 7th grade or something.  Well my hand slipped down her dress and she got pissed.  She said, "What kind of girl do you think I am?!"  Then she punched me in the face.
Eric:  She was something else.  Actually, now that I think about it you're a lot like her Brian.
Brian:  Oh yeah?
Eric:  Yeah.  Hated rules and was totally independent.  Loved music.  And she didn't take shit from anyone.
Carlos:  She was a beautiful person.  But she had a short ass temper.  NO ONE fucked with her. I mean NO ONE.  

I always feel weird when they talk to me about my Mom.  Especially, since they say the same shit every time and I have to act like it's something new or else they usually trip balls.  But sometimes it's cool.  Hearing how great she was and how much I am like her.  It's good to hear. And at the same time really depressing.  If she was still around, we would have been close.  We could have been best friends and whatnot.  So that part really sucks. 

Fuck I wish I got to know her.


Pairsa said...

That sounds really difficult, I'm sorry. I can't even imagine.

It's nice that you're like her. I'm sure that felt good to hear as well. :]

Brian said...

Yeah... It was probably for the greater good though. I feel if I stayed with my mom I wouldn't have turned out the way I did. Not that I'm that all that excited with what I got going on now but I'd hate to end up as a gangster or even worse a bro.

And there are few things that mean as much to me as hearing nice things about my mother and comparisons to her. That pretty much puts me in an awesome mood for the rest of the day even week sometimes.

Pairsa said...

I doubt that having a relationship with your mother would have turned you into a gangster, but I see what you mean. Events like that change both who you are and who you become. Sometimes they happen for a reason, though. Now you have motivation to live your life in a way that makes you happy and that would have made her happy as well. Or that's how I would live at least; I'm not exactly qualified to give much input on this topic. :/