Friday, February 13, 2009


And your fire
Sets our night ablaze
Sears the distance 
And burns the walls
Forgetting what those words are for

And while these flames rage and smolder
And brands myself to them
The heat in its fervor
Softens my core
And I forget what these words are for

And when we’ve said enough
We just listen


Pairsa said...

Did you write this?

I like it :]

Brian said...

I did.

Thank you very much :).

I'm probably going to be working on more poetry as I have time and ideas. I really want to write a poetry book and a straight up novel. So as I come along I'd appreciate your constructive criticism if you'd be willing.

Pairsa said...

Absolutely :] I'd be happy to help.

(Under the condition that I'm mentioned in your "People who made this book possible" section when it's published.)

What genre of novel? Or are you undecided?

Brian said...

sweet. it's a deal. :)

Umm well... I haven't decided actually. I've been thinking of a semi-autobiographical type of thing. But tell it from like 1st and 3rd person. And then I've also been considering a straight up non-fiction novel about my ideas and philosophies about life and society and such. And another still, a fiction novel about random stories that I come up with.

Pairsa said...

That's a lot of writing, bud lol. They're all really good ideas though. I like the autobiographical one the best. However, in order to write a legit philosophical novel you’re going to have to know your shit. Unless it's going to be an entirely primary source novel based on your own findings. That’s different.

Writing a book is a lot of work apparently. I would like to write one as well, only I’m going to wait until I’m older and when my writing skills have developed past my current high school level. Then I’ll consider it. lol

Brian said...

I've already started on the semi autobiographical one. And it's really the reason I've made this blog. So I don't forget important ideas concepts that I come up with as I go

Regardless of what direction I go in my other book writing or in this one, I want it to be all kinds of shit from the dome. I want to publish what my mind sees. Then read it over and ultimately try to learn something about myself.