Thursday, February 5, 2009

Mean Low Water

I don't know what I'm doing anymore.  I have severed just about every tie with the people I care about.  Fuck it.

So I started my new semester and it's pretty ok I guess.  I have English, Philosophy, Statistics, and this Guitar/Music Theory course.  

My English teacher is a lady from India who happens to be terrible at speaking it.  True story. She's making us do group work and shit.  And she always stares at me.  ALWAYS.  We had to tell the class about our goals and what we wanted to major in and whatnot.  When it was my turn she made it fucking hell.  She prolonged the fuck out of my shit.

India:  "Oh really?  That's fascinating.  Are you a trained musician?
Me:  "Uh... Not really."
India:  "Why do you want to be a musician?"

It was at this point that I tried to kill the conversation.  I knew if I kept answering we would be at this for a while.  And I really don't feel comfortable telling a bunch of people shit about myself (unless you count this site).  So I lied and killed the conversation right there.  I don't remember what exactly I said but I came across as a total dickhead.  So that's awesome.  

My Philosophy class is pretty cool.  My teacher is kind of an idiot about everything not pertaining to philosophy.  But he's a pretty happening dude so it's cool.  Also, there are some seemingly cool kids in there that one day I may eventually talk to.

Statistics is lame.  Every Tuesday morning I have to be at the Salinas campus by 7 AM.  Which means I have to leave at 6 AM at the latest.  Which is in every way completely gay.  Also, me and Vianca share that class.  So now we are carpooling there.  Hooray.  It's not all bad though. 

The other day we went up there together and we actually had a good time.  I picked her up and during the ride she was actually fairly interesting to talk to.  After class was done we got some free ass breakfast at Denny's.  While there she was once again interesting.  It's like where the fuck has this been the whole time?  After that we went to Target and looked at a bunch of stupid shit, tried on ridiculous glasses, shoes, and hats, and played with some gay ass toys. Following that we hit up Best Buy and Toys R' Us.  Finally, the best part of the experience. During the ride home, I put on some tasty ass jams and she actually rocked out with me.  I have to admit that made me hate her a lot less.  Not only that, the whole time we were hanging out she actually paid attention to what I was saying and caught on to my humor.  Wild.  We are supposedly going to hang out again this weekend so we'll see how that goes.

My guitar class is actually pretty lame.  I was super stoked about it but it's mostly a let down so far.  There are way too many people in the class.  And from what I've seen I'm the only one who isn't total suck at guitar.  However, it was pointed out that the way I held my guitar was improper.  Which doesn't make any sense because the basic rule about everything on guitar is ignore all the rules and play what's comfortable.  But whatev.  Also, I don't finger pick and my teacher insists on finger picking.  So I tried to show him my finger picking and it sucked.  So I have to work on that.  Oh my teacher has fucking hair growing out of his nose.  Not like regular nose hair.  But on the outside.  Like he should shave his fucking nose.  God dammit that shit is awesome.

The other day while there I tried to help this girl tune her guitar.  As I proceeded to tune her guitar like 10 dudes all turned and stared at me.  Straight up gawking.  "Wow, you are really good.  Can you help tune mine?  I'm really trying to annoy you while you try to tune that."  As well as some other shit I wasn't really paying enough attention to, to remember.  I know I sound like a dick here, but fuck man, I'm trying to match the harmonics of the strings and these hoes won't STFU!!!!!!!!!

Also, I've been getting stared at a lot lately.  I am unsure about the reason behind this.  I'm actually pretty certain it's the hair.  But I can't tell for sure.  I have only seen one other dude with hair as long as mine.  And his hair was down to his hips and nappy as fuck.  The style here is the "fade". Or any other mostly shaven cut.  So I'm pretty sure my shoulder length hair is not stylish.  

I'm about to read some Plato for Philosophy class.  

I think this semester is going to be a lot better than the last.


Pairsa said...

Look at you impressing your classmates! :D
I love it when people surprise you like that. When you’ve somewhat lost faith in them and then they totally turn it around in the last minute.

lol at your music teacher having hair on his nose. That would bother me so much. And your right, it’s really annoying when people are talking and you're trying to tune an instrument. It happens to me every morning.

Brian said...

Yeah they are golden too. So they stick out like crazy. When it's one on one with the teacher it takes everything I've got to keep from staring.