Wednesday, February 18, 2009


My mind is all over the place right now.  I'm having a hard time focusing in on any particular thing.

The scenery out here has been getting increasingly impressive.  It takes all of my concentration to keep focused on the road.  The scenery is fucking orgasmic.  The other day it was raining and all nasty and icky and not nice out and it was still gorgeous (award for using the word "and" the most in a single sentence).  The other day while trekking to Salinas with Vianca I couldn't help but point out all the awesome sights I was certain she was missing.  She glanced up from her texting, "Oh yeah that's really pretty", then continued her texting.  My mind was blown.  HOW ARE YOU NOT IN AWE?!?!  I don't get it. I really don't fucking get it.  DOES NO ONE ELSE REALIZE HOW INSIGNIFICANT YOUR BULLSHIT "PRIORITIES" ARE?!  Nature serves you up this delicious ass feast of optic magnificence and you are going to decline?  I often feel as if people like this just need to mature or learn/grow.  But I look at my uncles, their friends, and all kinds of old folks, and they don't understand either.  I'm probably overreacting to this whole situation.  But what if I'm not? If that were true the implications of it would be catastrophic for the psyche of us as a whole people, but still not surprising.

Anyway the past couple of trips up there with Vianca have been strenuous at best.  Although I will say my ego gets some nice padding when I talk to her. She is pretty much oblivious to the world around her and words consisting of 3 or more syllables so whenever I talk about anything of significance I have to constantly go back and simplify everything I said. To the point where I might as well have said nothing.  Oh man, so we were listening to some tasty tunes and we stumbled upon some of the most eloquent lyrics to be found.  She inquired as to what the lyrics said exactly and I repeated them along with the song.  "Oh... Wait, what does that even mean?"  Wait.  Wait.  Please wait.  Let me elaborate for you. Then, "Oh... I still don't get it." HAHAHAHA REALLY?! HOW DO YOU NOT UNDERSTAND THESE LYRICS!??!  GOD DAMMIT YOU ARE DUMBER THAN FUCK.  It would be one thing if they were some really vague or abstract concepts being sung in the songs.  Lyrics that can be interpreted several different ways... I understand.  But not these.  Not this.  I kind of wanted to tell her we are no longer carpooling but... 20 DOLLARS FOR GAS!?!  OK DEAL!  I'M TOO BROKE TO TURN DOWN A BARGAIN!  

An example of the lyrics:
But If you'd rather be the window
I'd gladly be the frame
We'll block out any kind words
And let in all the blame
(Mewithoutyou - Torches Together)

I was tripping balls about my statistics class.  Mostly because I failed to pay attention and thought I was a lot further behind than what I was.  Turns out I actually know what I'm doing. So much so that I felt like a retard when the professor went over the curriculum.  Too simple. So that means I don't have to study for that class... at least for a while.  Which is good news for my guitar/do nothing time.

Philosophy class has been awesome.  We've been going over Plato's Dialogues and whatnot.  I was kind of worried the way my professor built up the "confusion" that takes place.  It actually isn't even that bad.  I've gotten pretty much everything so far.  I understood the importance of the contradictions, the purpose of the irony, etc.  I only missed one fairly mundane detail out of what we've covered thus far.  Which is awesome because generally in English I always interpret something different than what the text really was meant to convey.  So during the exegesis I felt at least partly triumphant.  

The other day I went to Salinas with my cousins to buy a calculator.  One hundred dollars later I hated a lot of things.  I spent 100 dollars on a fucking calculator.  Instead of spending that money on shows and my youth.  What the fuck is wrong with us.  Who came up with this fucking system.  I've never understood it.  And I swear I never will.  We work incessantly for the first 20 or so years of our life.  For what?  So when we are old and decrepit we can appreciate the fruits of our labor?  When it's too late?  I hate to feel like I'm in any way contributing or perpetuating this shit train.  I'd really like to show it a detour off an abyss of some sort.  Fuck it.

So a few days back I went to Carl's Jr. (fast food place).  I don't normally partake in fast food adventures but I was starving and I had nothing to eat at the hizzy.  I ordered my 2 spicy chicken sandwiches and waited for a little bit when I noticed a warning sign.  It said something along the lines of "WARNING: This shit that we call food has known carcinogens.  Just so you know."  FUCKING REALLY?  I wonder how many dicks the fellows on top of Carl's Jr. had to suck to get that shitstuffing out to the public.  The FDA loves a good BJ.  So much so that they'd knowingly allow these death patties to be sold to the public all in the name of commerce.  I guess after Monsanto they pretty much gave up on the whole Administration part.  I wonder how much more corruption we can fit into one government.  Reprint "The Jungle".  The message has been lost somewhere.  Oh and I still ate those sandwiches.  LOL.

So after listening to a lot of Minus The Bear in the car I felt it time for a change.  I was almost to campus when I needed a change.  FUCKING UNEARTH SON.  I'VE MISSED YOU METAL. Listening to them always brings back good memories of jamming way too hard in my car with my best friends while trying to drive.  THE ONCOMING STORM is probably one of the greatest things to happen in the past decade.  That album is definitely one of the best metal albums of all time... actually flat out one of the best albums ever, period.  I got chills from the exuberance emitted from my shitty sound system.  If I could have sex with an album itself it would definitely be this one.  Actually... I wouldn't.  Having intercourse with something that metal would probably give me Tetnis of the genitalia.  And over the years I've become quite fond of mine.

I know I'm fucking missing something.  


Pairsa said...

A long blog post equals a long comment:

"Nature serves you up this delicious ass feast of optic magnificence and you are going to decline?" that's probably my favorite thing you've ever written in this blog. I'm not sure why. I just loved the way you phrased it. In Seattle when the sun shines (a rare occurrence) all the colors seem to explode and there are shades of green that emerge I didn't even know existed. It’s insane. Honestly, it makes all of the rain we endure worth it. People here never notice though. Or they give me the same reaction Vianca gave you.

I know of that Mewithoutyou song. Yeah, I agree that it's not all that complicated lol. That girl seems very shallow/ self centered. But, then again, I don't really like to make judgments like that when I don't know people.

I don't eat fast food period. Being a vegetarian, it's hard to find anything to eat at those places anyway.

Oh, and ease up on the capital letters, boy. You seem far too edgy. lol

Brian said...

We don't take the time to appreciate beauty. We don't appreciate it. It's one of the few concepts that separates us from being total animals.

When I do the capital letters it's to make a point or it emphasizes something I found important. It's so I can remember what exactly I was thinking/feeling at the time.