Saturday, April 10, 2010


Alright, so I hate to talk about it again but I need to address the shit in my prior two posts. Things have gotten better between me and Tasha. There is a whole lot of things going on in my head pertaining to our relationship and I don't want to get into that right now.

Anyway, so as usual there is a bunch of shit going on that I'm not digging. At all. The president OK'd the execution of an American citizen without due process because of suspicion alone. Because of this "terrorist" threat. I really hope that there is some extenuating circumstances that he can't explain because that is just bullshit. On a positive note some republican openly bashed Fox News to a tea party crowd. I thought that was pretty epic.

So on to that good. I fucking hate this entitlement or "equality" shit that people are so sure of. Let get some things fucking straight. All men are not created equal. Let me elaborate. People who are born with a fucking silver spoon are better off than people who aren't. Obviously. People who were birthed with abnormalities or defects are obviously inhibited in ways that most of aren't. Objections to either of these statements? Didn't think so. Now to progress to the idea that all men are just plain equal. Can you really say that a brilliant scientist who makes a historical discovery and an immature overage kid who likes to get fucked up every chance they get are equal? Their opinions do not hold the same merit. So to all the fucking retarded ass twats that think that their opinion has merit because everyone is entitled to an opinion is a fucking retarded ass twat. I say this because for those whose opinions are based off of nothing but personal experience and subjectivism cannot possibly have an opinion as qualified as someone who actually has earned the right to express their opinion on the subject because they have researched it. To clarify, you do not have the right or privilege to proclaim your opinion unless you have inputed the proper preparation into arriving at that opinion. I'm not talking about mundane ordinary shit. I'm talking about important things like globalization, religion, economics, philosophy, etc. Essentially all that statement means, is that salient, ethnical, gender based qualities are in no way an indicator of any given person's prowess at any given subject.
I'm saying this because when I hear someone acting like what they say means fucking anything just because they said it, makes me want to harm an infant (not really but you get it).

Almost everything else I want to say is better explained in that video. It's long as shit but it's worth it. The whole Zeitgeist movement is pretty splendid. And I'm all down for the Venus Project. If you don't know what either of these things are google Zeitgeist and watch the 2 videos on the main page. Then watch the video on the link above :).

I came up with this line walking home from college:
You walk with your head so high
that you can't see what you crush beneath

I would like to add something. Do people not realize their own inadequacies? Do they not realize that they have amounted and will never amount to anything more than a consumer? For if they did, how could they possibly feel like the shit they spew has any fucking purpose. You do not help the world. You contribute nothing. You do not have the fucking right for fucking anything. Fuck I hate those people. So sure their words are in some way pertinent to the people around them, that they insist and insist on them. I think they genuinely believe that the shit concocted in their head is going to blow the minds of those around them and that those in close proximity should fucking listen and heed whatever was just said. No. You people are fucking meaningless. I'm sorry to say that but it's true. You consume and your epitaph would read for nothing more than "This guy bought a lot of shit." There is no need for that person to exist. They demand, antagonize, and destroy. Contribute nothing, establish nothing, but yet have the audacity to acquire. Tell me in what way can a man react to these people other than shame? You can't change them. I always used to wonder if other people were really alive. Not in a philosophical sense but in the most literal. If they were just there to fill in space and were programmed to do certain things. I had these thoughts since I was in fucking 4th grade. I tried to imitate them. "What would I do if I were one of those people who just kind of are?" I could never figure out what to do. So now the question remains. Are other people really alive or is it some elaborate prank by your brain or maybe something much higher? Taking the more sensible stance that people are indeed alive it becomes even more frightening to think that these people would surely know of their own feebleness and make no effort to change.

When you are that person, you cannot be happy. You have not earned the right. You earn shit in life. If your mind is incapable, or if you sabotage your mind from being capable, then all of those luxuries of the conscientious and the deserving will never find refuge in you.

I said earlier "Any objections... Didn't think so", those two brief statements I really hate hearing and I hate even more to say them. But it was the only way I could explain what I wanted to say without rewriting the rest of the paragraph. So I said "fuck it."

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