Friday, April 23, 2010


I need to move. At least I think I do. I miscalculated a lot of things when I decided to move here.

I MIGHT BE GOING TO EUROPE THIS SUMMER! If I get a bunch of money somehow. My lawyer is still working out some shit for my settlement. I got a call yesterday about my transcripts from school. Essentially they are trying to show how the accident has effected my grades and use that information as part of the settlement negotiations. Hopefully, this plays little factor because I was on the Dean's list last semester :(. That was only because I took retarded classes here in town that required absolutely no effort. The only thing going for me is the C I got in Statistics. I really hope that because I can coast through school doesn't detract from the fact that the accident I had really fucked me up. Also, I'm hoping the money I get from the settlement is enough to pay for that trip to Europe. AHHH that shit would be so cool.

This guy on TV was a politician for a while and was on some news talk show type deal. He said, "Western Civilization is heading in an unsustainable direction. I'm really worried for it." That's not completely verbatim but almost. Anyway, that dude is right. If you haven't already watch this shit! (two movies on there) (Alex Jones interviewing Peter Joseph... there are 11 parts all of which provide some interesting information and perspective)

There are a lot of other videos you should check out but I really like these.

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