Saturday, December 6, 2008

Great Googly Moogly Cont.

This blog is a bit excessive in length so I've decided to split it up.

I've noticed that this past week I've had a rather excessive amount of road rage.  I never get angry.  I generally see hostility as a waste of energy.  If it's just pent up aggression why would it come out now in this fashion?  But I suppose it makes some sense in this situation because the aggression is automatic and it isn't until I realize I'm being a doucher that I can stop myself.

I've had some ideas about things and been thinking about some other things more so than usual. 

If at any point in your life, you truly believe you are making the right choice.  you are.
If at any point in your life, you truly believe you are good.  you are.
And if at any point in your life, you did what you felt was right.  it was.
Fuck regret.

It's been a while since the onset of time.  Every single one of your ancestors survived.  Everyone successfully looked after and passed on to your life.  What are the chances of that like?

These walls were really never there.

You are never nothing if you didn't disappear.

I came with nothing.  And I will leave with nothing.  Everything else is just borrowed.

This has reminded me of a tattoo I've been wanting to get for a while 

something like that.

In an unrelated story I wonder why people avoid drinking water.  

There was a lot more shit I wanted to say or mention and whatnot but I've forgotten.

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