Wednesday, December 17, 2008


So there's this girl who I used to date a long time ago.  She screwed me over then broke up with me.  I have a hard time holding grudges or caring about shit so whenever her future male relations fell apart I let her crawl back.  Countless times.  It's so strange.  I didn't even like her at first.  I was forced to go out with her by a mutual friend who was seriously going to inflict major bodily harm to me unless I asked her out.  I can't even remember at what point I really started liking her.  There was never a "Eureka!".  Anyway, she called me up the other day and it begins again.  She wants to pick me up from the airport when I fly back in and "hang-out".  I was pumped to hear from her again but I didn't really feel anything?  I wonder if I'm just truly incapable of emotion or if I just haven't found "the one".  

Yesterday my uncle bought a shit ton of Taco Bell.  His kids had the most ridiculously portioned meals.  I couldn't even eat that much.  They started talking about how much food it was and everyone laughed along.  HAHAHAHA look how much we can consume.  Isn't it hilarious?!  Perhaps even more repulsive was my uncle telling his children to finish everything.  Are you fucking kidding?  Glutton really fucking bothers me.  I'M SO FULL.  LOOK AT ALL THIS FOOD I ATE.  IS THERE DESSERT?!  It's sickening.  There was a thing on TV that I heard the other day.  It said "If you can finish the sandwich we didn't do something right".  So it's not enough to eat to sustain yourself, you have to eat until you've gorged yourself straight into a coma.  Got it.

I should be writing a 5 page paper on the San Andreas Fault which is due tomorrow.  And studying for at least one of the 3 finals I have on Thursday.  But I'm not.  Fuck.

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