Wednesday, September 1, 2010


I called Tasha tonight. It went surprisingly well. We probably won't talk again unless something drastic happens or until my next birthday. But it still was nice. I think the fact that we were kind of bored of each other and taking this long of a hiatus from talking made all of our usual mannerisms and such enjoyable to each other again.

There is something that I am missing. I observe all kinds of classes and all kinds of social events and things but I never encounter or witness anything like what I do on a daily basis. It's completely bizarre. Everyone avoids me in my classes unless they can't help it. And when they do get grouped up with me they are rather really interested in what I say or they have already decided they hate me. For instance, my speech class has a full classroom minus 4 empty seats. Those four empty seats just happen to be all the seats around me. In my Child Development class, there are tables of 3. All of the tables are filled except for mine. Instead of anyone sitting next to me they would rather sit in the awkward chair to the side in the front that is not in a position to see anything. There was 1 empty seat in my Astronomy class and it was the seat next to mine. Is there something I'm not getting? I sometimes smell myself just to make sure I'm not rancid or something. As it turns out I always smell delicious. And I know I'm not the greatest looking guy but when people would rather sit next the 500 lb. guy that smells like body odor and milk... I can't but feel like something is wrong.

That girl is going to be visiting at the end of November. I actually think like it's going to be an enjoyable time.

My uncle and I are at odds. Apparently getting a job here is as easy as putting in a few applications. This town with one fucking stoplight that is predominately hispanic with 6 businesses is just itching to hire people. Especially a very poor spanish speaker that everyone seems to have an aversion to.

I have the first 2 pages of my new book completed! I'm sending it to my best comrade Sanders for review. And I actually respect his opinion on literature and really on all things artistic and/or creative. So I'm kind of anxious to see how his response will be.



Pairsa said...

Haha, maybe you intimidate your classmates. Smile more. Put Vaseline on your teeth. That’s supposed to help.

Hold up. So you have a job now?

Also, you're writing a goddamn book? What about?

Brian said...

But I'm so docile and gentle. It's so hard to imagine coming off as intimidating. Although it is probably likely. Also, my first instinct is to smile. When I get nervous or something I smile. Not like a WHOA kind of smile but like a "hey I'm a bit nervous but I'm really a nice fellow" kind of smile. Definitely going to decline on that vaseline bit.

I do not have a job. I was trying to say that it is impossible for me to get a job here. But I suck at writing and communicating in general so sorry for the confusion.

AND YES I AM!!!! I thought I wrote about it before. Anyway, I've been working on like 3 different concepts for books. One of the big reasons for this blog is for material for my books. Two of them are taking a back-seat for now because I came up with the most baller idea for a book ever and it should be glorious.

Pairsa said...

Hahahaha! I love that description.

No I see it now. That was my mind twisting your text, not your lack of communication skills.

You mentioned wanting to write a book but I had no idea you were in the process. That's amazing. How are you tying your blog into it?

Brian said...

My blog is just a series of mementos and stories I want to write down so I remember the content for my book. It kind of helps with the whole idea formulation process as well.