Tuesday, July 6, 2010


I was in Alabama for about 3 weeks. It was a bit better than the last time I was there but it's still pretty shitty. I spent the entire time hanging with my best friend Sanders because he's actually a cool dude and also his mom is super fine and loves me. I also hung with my good friend Kate a lot more than I had anticipated I would. It turns out she actually missed me and being able to hang with her was pretty nice.

While I was there I wanted to confront an old ex and try to make amends. When I saw her I helped her cook dinner for her parents who actually still love me.
This is literally what happened.
Mariana: Oh shit my mom is here.
Brian: Is she going to be mad that I'm here?
Mariana: She still loves you.
Brian: haha what? that's so weird.
Mariana: Hey Mom your favorite person is here.
Mom: BRIAN!?! Oh it is you Brian!! OHHH how have you been?

Yeah then she gave me an invitation to come over any time I wanted. Which is kind of a weird thing to give your daughters ex-boyfriend. Anyway after that whole dinner bit her parents went to bed and we ended up having sex. Which was really just a consummation between two lonely people. It didn't mean anything really. But I still felt regret for it because my intentions were much more pure than that. After that it was weird between us again and then she confessed her continued love for me. So naturally I felt like suck for doing it with her and I guess leading her on again. Ultimately, I came there to make amends and it ended up being worse. Although, I did learn an important bit about myself; I don't really need company nor do I really even want it, it's just something that would be nice sometimes. And by company I really mean a girl. I'm at a point now where I feel like I wouldn't ever need a partner.

The other high point of my trip was seeing my step sister. I knew how much she missed me so I made a strong effort to spend a lot of time with her. She has serious emotional control issues where she will just get really upset about the slightest shit or overreact to a bug in the house and it sabotages her whole attitude. She needs someone like me around to help keep her on check so it's cool to be there for her. Also, she is really cool when she wants to be or better yet when she isn't afraid to be. I'm trying to get her over her self-esteem issues and teach her about things like psychology, and philosophy. This of course at the risk of turning her into a cynic as well.

Finally, I'm back in California and my real brother is here. He's pretty annoying but it turns out his dad has been talking to him about all kinds of philosophical shit and he's substantially less retarded. Which is AWESOME. I still have much to teach him in this short period of time but I think he's going to turn into a good kid.

For when the ground shakes and when we move
The whole world stands still to watch our show
And when our lines meet and when we blur
The Earth shrugs at the moon.


Pairsa said...

I'm happy to hear that your trip this time was not a shit-fest. It looks like the ladies have been loving you lately. And apparently, ladies of all ages. Haha, good for you.

I know a girl like your stepsister. I know EXACTLY what it's like to be friends with someone like that. It sucks ass. It's like their emotional meter only has a High and a Low setting.

Brian said...

Eh. I have two female demographics on lock. Crazy and old bitches. If there is a lady and she falls into either she'll probably like me. But the one's my age think otherwise. That is of course until they get old and/or senile themselves.

EXACTLY. It's infinitely frustrating. Moods are so contagious and it's hard to keep a good mood around someone who constantly finds ways to feel bad.