Wednesday, July 21, 2010


My good friend called me a few nights back crying. Kate was troubled that a boy she liked moved away and she didn't realize the extent of her feelings until he left and was really upset. Afterwards her first instinct was to call me. It felt awesome to be there for her and to know that I actually was as close to her as she had said I was.

Went to register for my classes today. Talked to a new counselor. I was wearing my Copeland shirt. And we talked about the composer for like 10 minutes and when I left she told me she liked my shirt and it made my day.

My cynicism is rising.

"Understand that the Moon loves the Sun. There was supposed to be dark but the Moon continues the Sun's reach. It isn't until the clouds shun the light that the dark seems to creep. And these things in the heavens can teach us much about ourselves. The innate goodness of the cosmos is always stretching but there are always places of shade. Some men sit under great oaks, others wear sunscreen, most just stay inside. Those that stand naked in her great light unabashed by themselves will find that evil men can make great clouds."

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