Sunday, June 7, 2009


Bloodlust. The condition of madmen. Our condition. But he in particular. Eyes transfixed, red and furious. He says, "I dare you to find one as I am who would face me now. I am alone and asphyxiated and have never been more potent." Animosity seeping through every pore and soaking each deadened follicle. Leaving the pungent stench of impurity on all he passed through. The ghastly aroma poisoning the lungs of beast and flora alike. And knowing this increases his rage. "The weak, are as bountiful as the maggots who would swarm on a carcass. So then are you content with this putrid abomination? Who among you is willing to challenge me?! Have you come with eyes afire?"

It's part of a story I've been working on. I'll be putting more on this at another time. 


Pairsa said...

It's very well written. I was a bit concerned at the first word that you were writing a tale about vampires. I was going to mention "That's been done." but, fortunately, I don't think that's the case. lol

Do you have a story line in mind, or is this all you have written?

Brian said...

Fortunately, this has nothing to do with vampires. This passage just kind of came to me as I was driving home from class one night. I'm not sure what to do with it. Expand upon these ideas and make a short story or refine it and make a poem, I really have no idea.

Pairsa said...

I think it would make a good poem, so long as you have a concentrated idea or point that you’re trying to get across. Personally, I think that the wording is more poetic than short story material.