Sunday, January 25, 2009

What to do when you are dead

Everything feels so impersonal.  Making my indifference go into fucking retarded mode.  I've decided that it's all just a big formality.  

First day of my next semester begins tomorrow.  

Also my Geology teacher from my previous semester dropped me 2 weeks before the final exam so I didn't get credit for the course.  He didn't bother to tell me nor did the school.  How awesome is that?  I'm currently working on getting this problem corrected on account for the fact that I finished the course with a solid B- and beat the shit out of the final AND payed a retarded amount of money for all the bullshit in the class.  FUCK YOU BOB BARMINSKI.

I've been meaning to post another bulletin about some other shit that happened previously. But I'll do that later.


Pairsa said...

That's stupid. Has he given a reason for dropping you?

Brian said...

nope. He doesn't even work at the school anymore. So there goes 3 units and hundreds of dollars. I fucking hate people.

Pairsa said...

And you have a right to. I didn't know a teacher could do something like that. I wish I could say more than "that sucks", but I only know so much about the issue. That really sucks :[