Monday, January 12, 2009

six days at the bottom of the ocean

So I went to a party the other night. Yeah me at a party. I don't believe there is a more uncomfortable environment I could possibly be placed in. My friend knowing this, told me it was just going to be a few people and there were going to be some people I knew there. LIAR. As soon as we arrive I realize why he didn't "feel" like driving. We get there and a vast majority of my peers are already inebriated. Upon entry to some random chick's house I automatically shifted into socially awkward mode. The chick who owned the place was pretty nice I guess. She complimented me a lot, in an effort I believe, to make me relax. However, this made me even more solitary. Fortunately, some old friends did end up showing up, alleviating a great amount of my social anxiety.

Think of Antarctica. Now think of the seals and orcas. Then Imagine that all the dudes were seals and the girls were orcas. And if you've ever seen a special on the Discovery Channel on this particular event then you know that the proportion between the two is weighed heavily in favor of the seal. Of course it's really the same in any relationship between two directly correlated species in the food chain. This is to give you an idea of how retarded the ratio of dudes to ladies was at this particular extravaganza. Except the orcas didn't really hunt the seals. They both kind of just awkwardly avoided each other on either side of any given room.

Well of the 5 girls that were there 3 of them were just following me around and shit. One of them (the ladie who owned the house) kept taking pictures of me. Then of her and myself together. If you think I'm bad interacting socially, you should see me when I'm faced with taking photographs. It's on a whole other level. The other two asked me a lot of questions about all kinds of random shit but they would never shut the fuck up so eventually I just kind of stopped bothering to answer altogether. I wonder what the hell is up with all this new found attention. It's probably the fact that I have long hair or something. I think some girls like that or something.

When we left I didn't really think much of the girl attack. But as it turns out one of them apparently has a crush on me. Wild. My luck is the best. I only meet a handful of cool girls while I lived here and I come back and just happen to meet one at a party that likes me but it doesn't matter because I leave in 4 days.

This made me remember once again how lonely I am. I found myself imagining life with a significant other. I think of it from time to time and there is never any real identity or face to the mystery lady. She just happens to agree with my sense of humour and likes to cuddle. That seems to be the common theme anyway.

In retrospect that whole orca/seal analogy was pretty dumb.

There was more I wanted to write but I'm super tired so I'll add more another time I suppose.


Pairsa said...

Parties are nightmares. I can sympathize with you there. However, not all girls are like the puppy dogs that were following you (maybe the mass majority, but not all.) I've only met a few that weren't entirely conceited in my lifetime, but they do exist. Based on what I've read about you, I think that you'll find that person. That is, if you know what you’re looking for. Otherwise, you're just running in circles.

Oh, and the orca/seal analogy was not dumb. I understood it perfectly.

Brian said...

Well... I'm probably running in circles then lol. I don't really feel like I have a set type of girl or even a set goal for that matter. However, I don't feel lost?

Oh and next time I'll use bears and puffins. Easier and I get to talk about 2 of the raddest beasts to ever hang out.

Pairsa said...

Yeah, I can see what you mean. That's sort of how I am. It's like, I'm currently content with were I am, but that doesn't mean I wouldn't like it if someone did happen to show up in my life. I don't know. It's hard to explain things like this in a comment :/

Puffins and bears, huh? lol I would have to agree with you. That would be an amazing analogy.

Brian said...

I agree with you entirely.
You can hit me up on izaim if you want
aim: strghtdg89

Pairsa said...

I used to have AIM but it loaded my computer up with spam and shit like MySpace did. I'm old school with an email address right now. lol

The closest thing besides that would be my account. It never really occurred to me to use it for socializing, but feel free to contact me there if you want. Just search my name under users and it should show up.