Sunday, October 3, 2010


I found that when I'm not listening to music and there is something displeasing I become incredibly irratible. But with music everything is calm. I can handle anything with my music.

I was hanging out with my little cousins as I sometimes do on the weekends because I never have any other plans and also, I kind of secretly like to hang out with them. Anyway, I found them clinging to me. Fighting for the right to sit on or next to me. They tend to show negative emotions toward me in public but when they feel no one is looking they allow themselves the comfort of my company. I don't know what to say to this except that I'm flattered. Really. Truly.

As I was driving home tonight from the house I realized something about my music. I keep everything to myself save what I post on here. The tunes are a conduit for my usually calm and pleasant disposition. Essentially. I suppose that disposition is debatable but I like to think it's accurate.

I've also decided to post 1 video per post. I'm asked with some regularity about music recommendations and such, so I decided to add a music video or some other video of some significance on every post.

You are his calm
You are his calm
You are his calm

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