Monday, October 18, 2010


I've been playing Final Fantasy 8 for the past few days. I've been feeling bummed and lethargic but FF8 is always there to cheer me up. In case you haven't heard the rumors, they are true, I am indeed a nerd. If you haven't played it go to ebay and buy the game as well as a PS1 memory card. You will be glad you did.

Anyway, I've been consistently avoiding talking to my "girlfriend." This probably isn't very good "boyfriend"/"girlfriend" interaction crap but to be honest I just have no interest in talking to her. She talks about her day, the garbage she watches on tv, and shit the random people she knows up there does. I did try to make myself care. I really did! But you know... I don't. And as soon as I try to interject some subject of substance she just laughs and says how smart I am. afla;ksdjflkajd;sfja;sldkfjalsd;fkkasdvmnejvnipajerhdfshzlka:Dlvcmnxlcvna
It's not even that I'm that intelligent. It's just that you are that fucking stupid. Hanging out with the fam this weekend there was an effort to try to talk to my cousin. She told me I was giving her a headache and that I would be fun to smoke weed with. I know it seems like I would be totally overbearing in a genuine conversation but I usually always dumb down the vocabulary and subject matter depending on my audience. And you know it's really like limbo. You can only bend so much before you fall on your tookus. And my ass is tired of sitting.

Which brings me to my next gripe. The pseudo-intellectual. Oh I wish you could hear yourself talk. To the endless herds of media molded minds you sound like something of great achievement. A real pillar of human capacity. But you are loud, cumbersome, and ambitious. Aching for that moment of glory where you grasp the imagination of your followers by means of dialectic manipulation. Just compound complex words together and make your points blurry and vague and the mob will applaud. They know nothing else.
Somehow after watching a debate on tv and observing a history channel special on politics you are now qualified to disqualify the politicians with whom you disagree with.

I was invited to join this Phi Theta Kapa thing. Which is an honor society for people in junior colleges. Supposedly the oldest of all such societies of honor.
Uncle: Are you going to join?
Me: Probably not.
Why not?
It's fucking stupid.
but there are scholarships for this.
Yeah but this whole thing is a joke.
Do you know how much effort I put into school?
Slim to none
Exactly. The fact that I qualify for this is just retarded.

As I read over the dialogue I write in my blogs I often feel like I come off as some kind bloated egomaniac with some other kinds of superiority complex issues. But that's not true! At least not entirely. I just take things out of context to make a deliberate point in these blogs; at the expense of me sounding like an ass.

I'm grinding to the finish of this semester. I have a satisfactory amount of motivation for Astronomy and Biology but my other classes have sapped me of all will to live. Fuck those classes are lame as dicks.
The fact that we have a midterm in communication makes me want to listen to the radio. And every one knows that listening to the radio is synonymous with being suicidal.
What are listening methods people have?
What are some ways to get your audience's attention?
What are some ways to organize your presentation?

These are some of the sample questions. In what universe would knowing how to "organize" your presentation in some generic fashion ever hope to assist me in the world. How in the natural state of things would I need to know what listening methods people have. CAN YOU PLEASE COME UP WITH MORE IRRELEVANT SHIT FOR ME TO WASTE MY YOUTH WITH?! PLEASE, I'M DESPERATELY TRYING TO AVOID ENJOYING MY LIFE AND YOU ARE MY ONLY HOPE.

Priming us to be masters of manipulation. To teach us how to sell. This is the purpose of this course. The class is filled with retards who are only good for consumption and I must learn with them on how to get others to be as worthless as they are. I find this whole thing completely distasteful.

We had an assignment to try and sell a household item as something other than it's intended purpose. examples:
Preparation age: keep you youthful
A shot glass: you suck in it and it makes your lips bigger

I kind of did this assignment but then I really didn't. I made a stapler thing called the "Brickstick" and you use it to break into peoples homes and government buildings to steal important documents and damning evidence. But I couldn't bring myself to do the presentation. I cringed as they applauded the sheer lack of creativity that paraded in front of them. The teachers enthusiasm to get us to sell some garbage as a "fun" exercise was nothing short of disgusting. LOOK AT HOW FUN TRYING TO SELL GARBAGE TO PEOPLE IS. There is nothing creative about this. There is nothing socially redeemable or any matter of significance to be learned. Instead a lesson on perpetuating propaganda as some kind of fun game has made it's way into the curriculum of the higher education system. And what's worse is that I was the only one completely revolted by this. It may seem like I'm overreacting but I'm contending that it's everyone else who is under-reacting.

And now for a new music recommendation. I've been seriously considering stopping this practice in this blog and making a whole separate blog for the purpose of music. But for now I'll keep one recommendation thing per post.

Sunday, October 3, 2010


I found that when I'm not listening to music and there is something displeasing I become incredibly irratible. But with music everything is calm. I can handle anything with my music.

I was hanging out with my little cousins as I sometimes do on the weekends because I never have any other plans and also, I kind of secretly like to hang out with them. Anyway, I found them clinging to me. Fighting for the right to sit on or next to me. They tend to show negative emotions toward me in public but when they feel no one is looking they allow themselves the comfort of my company. I don't know what to say to this except that I'm flattered. Really. Truly.

As I was driving home tonight from the house I realized something about my music. I keep everything to myself save what I post on here. The tunes are a conduit for my usually calm and pleasant disposition. Essentially. I suppose that disposition is debatable but I like to think it's accurate.

I've also decided to post 1 video per post. I'm asked with some regularity about music recommendations and such, so I decided to add a music video or some other video of some significance on every post.

You are his calm
You are his calm
You are his calm