Monday, May 17, 2010


I knew our conversation would rather be shit or awesome. It was shit. I continue to refrain from hurting her feelings and in exchange she tramples and stomps more furiously over mine.

I bit my tongue incessantly as I let her take the easy route out.

I may sound full of myself right now. But she's going to regret this. I don't want her to, I tried to make it so she wouldn't. But whatever. I made everything way too fucking easy for her. So now she just takes advantage of everything I've done or will do. Fuck. that.

Oh and it was just my birthday. I had a mandatory presentation on the gold standard. There was a bright spot.................. I got a phone number! Some girl in class gave me them digits. How exciting. That was pretty much the highlight of my day. The fact that not a single one of my friends called or texted me kind of stung but I'll get over it. At least my family remembered.

Oh well birthdays are for chumps.

Next up. Reports on the Monetary system and the War in Iraq. Followed by Final exams and more failed job interviews.

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