Thursday, October 15, 2009

Law of Averages

There is something that seems to be reoccurring in my thoughts and in my posts and it's driving me crazy. This glamorized glutton I see all over the place really embarrasses me. This culture we have doesn't make any fucking sense. We have MILLIONS of people literally starving to death in our own communities, and our completely aware of the famine going on in foreign countries. What do we do? DUDE CHECK OUT THIS 5 POUND BURRITO FILLED WITH SHIT! BRO THERE IS NO WAY YOU ARE GOING TO FINISH THAT. OH YEAH CHECK THIS OUT! FUCK NEVERMIND I CAN'T FINISH IT. LOL.
It's not fucking cool, it's not funny, it's appalling. Why is there no collective groan when this excess consumption kicks in? This is why I have no pity for the obese (minus the one's with legitimate medical problems THAT CAUSED the obesity). To me it should be like herpes or hepatitis, so that no one wants to go near you and everyone thinks you're gross.

Let's see what else... ummm religion is still dumb.

Oh so we were working on papers for my English class and my History class. And in both we had to have our papers peer reviewed. Now, those papers are very unlike my posts in this blog; they actually make sense and are interesting to read. But this hobag was reading my paper like.."umm it's OK but you should really work on your vocabulary, and stay with the logic of your thesis." I respond with a nod. Dilemma? This girl is what I like to call the pseudo-intellectual. You know the ones. The people who think they know a lot more than what they do. How do I know this? Or why this accusation? Just the statement "staying with the logic of your thesis" makes absolutely no sense. The word logic in this scenario is used out of context because there is no bindings of logic on any thesis. The thesis binds the plot, theme, content buildup, and in some scenarios texture. Also, she decided to compare papers and tell me (in so many words) that hers was better because of her impressive vernacular. Which wasn't impressive in the least, there was not plot buildup, and the paper was unbearably redundant. There are a few other details but whatever dumb people be dumb.

I've began to understand why there is so much apathy in the world. I don't think it's from a lack of motivation or independent thinking. Although, there is little doubt that these contribute. No one wants anyone else to succeed further than themselves. Every important thing we do as a people or every uniquely significant event, is only allowed to be displayed when we have reached the apex of shittiness. Think about it. I don't want to be any more numb than I am right now.

Also, if whoever is reading this cares to get their learn on I recommend there are two videos on here for you to check out. I recommend you watch both.
Also, look up Nibiru, New World Order, Bilderberg Group, and the Freemasons
Go get your learn on.

1 comment:

Pairsa said...

This is crazy, you posted this over a month ago but it showed up on my notices as you posting it two days ago.

I hate dumbasses who edit papers. What's the point of having them edit it if you can't use what they have to say? It's like this girl in my College English class who told me I had too many quotes in my research paper and then I got marked down for taking some out. Bitches.

I watched the first 20 minutes of the first video and I'm very glad I did. I'm trying to make more time to watch the rest, but it's so long. lol I'll keep you posted.