Thursday, September 24, 2009

One Day, I'll Be On Time.

I hate to admit it but I'm pretty lonely. Something is sapping me of all my motivation and I'm unsure on how to continue at this point.

So I'm in my history class and we have a test about U.S geography. Nothing difficult just be able to identify and label all 50 states on a map. Everyone around me resorted to cheating. Fucking embarrassing. If I didn't know the 50 states and couldn't identify them I would be too ashamed to cheat even if I condoned it. And when shit like this happens it's not a mystery why I can't take school seriously. These people are going to end up getting an equivalent grade while maintaining their current level of uselessness. However, in any scenario, given a map of the U.S in a college course seems a bit remedial. A bit less after this shit but still.

Reading the shit I post makes me seem like I'm this elitist, intellectual, douche nozzle which could not be farther from the case. Well the elitist maybe, but not in reference to myself. The intellectual definitely not. I just see this great mass of retarded ass kids surrounding me with their stupid contentedness. "Hey I really don't know anything about anything. Isn't that funny? Yeah I know I'm hilarious." I just have this loathing for people with an inadequate understanding about things they should know about and think they are cool/better off for it. Douche nozzle? Ok, I concede that one.

I don't know. I'll probably just crank up the isolation along with the gain on my amp. Play my guitar while I'm indifferent to the world and hopefully one day not suck so much ass at it.

Fuck my life is lame.

But I'm working on it?

1 comment:

Pairsa said...

Whoa man, 2 blogs in a week? Crazy.

You just described my French class.

I don't think that those types of people go away in life. The only thing you can do is smile and ignore them, even if you feel like slamming your head in a wall. Force yourself to be happy. That's how I deal with it.

No one can make your life better but you. It's cliché, but true.