Thursday, September 24, 2009

One Day, I'll Be On Time.

I hate to admit it but I'm pretty lonely. Something is sapping me of all my motivation and I'm unsure on how to continue at this point.

So I'm in my history class and we have a test about U.S geography. Nothing difficult just be able to identify and label all 50 states on a map. Everyone around me resorted to cheating. Fucking embarrassing. If I didn't know the 50 states and couldn't identify them I would be too ashamed to cheat even if I condoned it. And when shit like this happens it's not a mystery why I can't take school seriously. These people are going to end up getting an equivalent grade while maintaining their current level of uselessness. However, in any scenario, given a map of the U.S in a college course seems a bit remedial. A bit less after this shit but still.

Reading the shit I post makes me seem like I'm this elitist, intellectual, douche nozzle which could not be farther from the case. Well the elitist maybe, but not in reference to myself. The intellectual definitely not. I just see this great mass of retarded ass kids surrounding me with their stupid contentedness. "Hey I really don't know anything about anything. Isn't that funny? Yeah I know I'm hilarious." I just have this loathing for people with an inadequate understanding about things they should know about and think they are cool/better off for it. Douche nozzle? Ok, I concede that one.

I don't know. I'll probably just crank up the isolation along with the gain on my amp. Play my guitar while I'm indifferent to the world and hopefully one day not suck so much ass at it.

Fuck my life is lame.

But I'm working on it?

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Another fallen eve.

Truly, honesty is not conducive to your well being. But these amenities will do the trick. See the improvement? There is no need to change, only acquire. Gaining more, becomes fulfillment. You see, there are too many distractions. We blur the lines for you. No effort on your part is required... just subordination. If you think about it, your consciousness is only a form of deprivation. We can program you better. We can make you better. We fill the gap left by your inadequacies. Would you like us to complete what you can't finish? Or is rejection your circuitry?

Sunday, September 13, 2009

It's Complicated Being a Wizard

It has been way too long since my last post and I've got a lot of updates and some other possibly semi interesting things.

I need to see a neurologist cause my brain's all fucked up, and they also think my eyes are F-d. However, my insurance is like LOL, not going to happen. But I'm telling those hoes what's what and I think soon I'll be able to get this shit straightened out. On the positive side, if this stuff is as bad as they think I'll be getting a nice check of some ballin ass amount of money. 

I started school again and I think I made some friends??? I KNOW! Probably not though.  
I'm pretty sure I have a crush on my History professor so that's wild. 
I wrote a paper for my English class and the student who had to read it was like:
"Did you mean stop light here?"
"What? Stop Light? OH... no"
"I have never seen this word 'plight' before."
So everyone was like WTF PLIGHT?! And thus began a game of pass Brian's paper of personal introspection to complete strangers. They all seemed to like it and the teacher took a personal interest in my paper and made me stay after class so he could read my newest draft. He was impressed by it so I guess that's pretty neat.

This girl I know is like a boulder with a fucking jet-pack. But I'm pretty sure when she says she loves me she means it. Which honestly makes me kind of happy to be on the receiving end of, even though the feeling isn't mutual. I don't know what I'm going to do in this debacle. Oh and there are these two other girls who pretty much want my balls. One blatantly says, "I need to make you my sex slave so you can't run from me." I can't even tell you how much this arouses me. -_-. It sucks, the only time I have news to report on the opposite sex it's about the same fucking thing every time. I seriously challenge anyone who thinks they can attract crazier bitches to some form of crazy bitch catching competition. You know, when I read this, it totally makes me want to start this contest. SO CHALLENGE ME!! 

If there happens to be any internet lurkers reading this I want you to know that most of everything I say is supposed to be a joke. Not necessarily to make you laugh but I like to keep the mood light. If it seems like I'm being serious I'm probably not. I really can't take anything seriously. Unless throughout the post you sense a serious tone, then the purpose of that post was probably, to be entertaining while accurately reciting shit that happened. 
The reason I bring this up is because it has become painfully apparent that no one gets my humour :(.