Monday, June 22, 2009

All consuming fire... burn.

So I haven't posted any new shit in a while. I got some updates and whatnot
The first being that I am done with school until the fall semester. And also i did horribly on my exams but somehow managed to get solid grades. My good friend Tasha will not be coming to visit me out here in California but instead when I make my return to Alabama. My little brother will be out here on the 27th and I'm hoping he'll be a lot less of a douche when he does come. Let's see... oh I've been getting hit on a lot lately for some reason which is pretty strange. And as a matter of fact some girl told me to be less modest and even went to the extreme of saying if I wanted to be cocky it was ok because I am attractive. And when I told her that if I cannot condone that type of behavior in another person there is no way I could adopt it myself regardless of my "good looks", she looked at me like I was retarded and responded with a most dumbfounded expression and a "whaaa?"  Awesome.

Oh yeah my English teacher totally gave me an A when I didn't really deserve it because she thought my final essay was the best she ever read or some shit. Which is pretty cool I suppose. And it's also come to my attention that a number of people actually take time to read my blog so I'd like to thank you e-lurkers for reading my stuff. And instead of messaging me on feel free to hit me up on my aim = strghtdg89.  I made it when I was like 12 give me a break.

My back is making improvements. It's been pretty F-d since the wreck but I'm in physical therapy now and it's going well. Also, my 3 year old nephew is here and he is out of control. He's already learned every bad word around and uses them incessantly. I know it's wrong but hearing him call my uncle Carlos an asshole ever 5 seconds is fucking hilarious. 

In other news I've discovered that I can't be upset anymore. I can get annoyed or aggravated but I don't think I can lose my cool. I'm learning an even greater level of patience and that is something that I am actually proud of.  I can't even remember the last time I've been angry. I'm not sure if this is healthy but I like the idea of serenity in my thoughts. 

One last thing. Fuck Insurance. Fuck money. and Fuck the people who care about those things.


Pairsa said...

There's no excuse for being cocky. That girl's retarded lol.

You're English teacher should hang out with my English teacher; I feel like they would be best friends. I received an A+ on a huge paper that probably deserved, at most, a B.

I think these e-lurkers should start commenting these things. I'm the only one :/

Brian said...


Also, I wish they would comment as well. But they just send me messages on I don't really know if they really follow my blog or if they just read it one day and don't really care to again. The other two people who follow my blog don't even get on here anymore. So that's pretty gay.