Friday, November 5, 2010

Tracks Go

I'm ending the musical recommendations for this blog but if there is a high enough demand and/or I just happen to feel like making a music blog I will.

Got the results of some exams back this week.
92 on my Speech exam Highest grade in my class
91 on Child Development exam Highest grade in class
100 on Astronomy exam Highest grade in class
95 on Bio exam Highest grade in class

I couldn't help but laugh at this. Especially at the speech one. It was open notes! I didn't even have notes (because that class is just too fucking stupid) and I still did better than these fucking mouth-breathers. I spent no time studying, except for the 2 minutes prior to the exam that I remembered there was an exam that day. I'm not trying to brag or sound like a dick even though I'm sure I do right now. The point is that this education is a fucking joke. Just parrot the information back. THEY GIVE YOU THE ANSWERS. JUST SAY IT BACK. I feel embarrassed, or that I'm doing something wrong. The most comical part about this whole thing is that the teachers make remarks to me and on my paper about my great studying and how great I'm doing. And I almost feel like I'm letting them down by not studying... but I don't need to. I'm not sure where this guilt is originating but I'm sure I can learn to push it aside like I do with everything else in my life and just avoid it.

Had some more conversations with my uncle about homosexuality. He's hilarious. He's completely obstinate and is empowered by it. However, he acknowledges his logical short comings. There is something to be said about being aware of yourself.

It's looking like me and my best mate Sanders will be living together within just a few months. I'm pretty excited. Enthused enough to be busting my balls making sure he gets into USA because I would hate to get stuck going there without him. Also, my uncle offered to give me his fucking jeep and pay for my first month of rent for my new pad. I could not accept this offer. Though, I have no idea how I'm going to make the trip or pay for the first month's rent without it. He's just done too much and I haven't returned enough back yet. The equation must always be balanced.

I voted for the first time. It was a forgettable experience. One old guy voting and 6 people sitting there because they liked sitting or some shit. I have no idea why those people were there to be honest.

I'm going to re-focus myself to my books and my music. I'm going to be what I want to be. The whole world can eat shit. I'm not being stopped.