Thursday, July 23, 2009

No Bragging Rights

So my brother left here two days ago and I'm about to leave today. Going to fuck up San Francisco before I go then get on the plane and rest to continue my assault in Virginia. I'll put more details about things, past, present, and future things alike when I come back.  So to the 4 people who actually read this. 


Thursday, July 9, 2009


I haven't been putting up shit nearly as often as I would like to but hopefully ill change that.  So there is a bunch of shit going on...

My brother came to visit and he is considerably less gay than I remember him being. Don't get me wrong he's pretty gay, but most of the time it's actually tolerable.  We had a long discussion about girls and such which I believe to be the best/most revealing conversation we have ever had.  

My physical therapist is now sometimes using his assistant to tend to my back. Which I don't really mind but as she does her thing on my back she kind of touches my tookus quite often. Sometimes resting her hand on it, or giving it a gentle squeeze. I don't really have any idea on how to respond to this so I just don't say anything and pretend to fall asleep.

There have been 3 girls in the past week who have basically told me (two verbatim) that they want in my pants. Which is kind of flattering but not really that great on account of them all being hobags. OH and another girl told me that we were soulmates and that we loved each other. To this I responded "LOL" because I thought she must have been joking... but she wasn't. And I'm pretty sure she is mad at me. I think the answer to all of this lies in a prior post about my ability to attract crazy bitches and deter all the cool ones. 

I went to Six Flags yesterday and me and my brother went on most all of the rides and whatnot. It was a pretty fine experience. I tried talking to this employee on a particular roller coaster. Rode on it 4 times straight only to find out that her and some douchebag were already talking. And you have no idea how many d-bags were hanging out there. At least like one in every 3 dudes was a total douche nozzle. One ride in particular I rode on by myself and a pretty lady type sat across from me. To cut to it she was wearing short shorts hiked up to the extreme for the sole purpose of showing me her downtown mixup. Upon witnessing this she blew me a kiss and I responded with a half smile and a "bitch you crazy as a mug" look. Afterwards she followed me around the park and rode on the next couple of rides that I did. At the end of the adventure me and my brother were waiting by a fountain commemorating dolphins when I noticed a young teenage girl sitting by herself in a shroud of total youthful awkwardness. My brother didn't understand why I had to go talk to her and even went to the lengths to dissuade me.  I had to talk to her. She was me. She is me. Totally awkward and inept at things struggling to not falter at even mundane tasks like waiting. Hopefully she will remember the time at six flags when some dude came up and talked to her when she was alone. And maybe she will smile at the memory. Maybe grow some confidence in herself. Or more than likely just be glad that creepy guy at the park is gone.

OH I almost forgot. That assistant of my physical therapist got asked out on a date by like this 80 year old man and it was one of the most incredible things I've ever seen.

You know there is something to be said about this world. There are better more complete words. Words that harmonize and enhance. But these words don't do. Beautiful is the only word for me to use to describe these things. Everything. It's a scheme, a sham, and once recognized an assemblage of all prior knowledge a priori or not to be dealt with accordingly. You see everything is beautiful. I figured this out. Our conscious, our mind, and all that we perceive are only tools to try to take in the essence of the cosmos.

If they make you happy then who cares?