The first being that I am done with school until the fall semester. And also i did horribly on my exams but somehow managed to get solid grades. My good friend Tasha will not be coming to visit me out here in California but instead when I make my return to Alabama. My little brother will be out here on the 27th and I'm hoping he'll be a lot less of a douche when he does come. Let's see... oh I've been getting hit on a lot lately for some reason which is pretty strange. And as a matter of fact some girl told me to be less modest and even went to the extreme of saying if I wanted to be cocky it was ok because I am attractive. And when I told her that if I cannot condone that type of behavior in another person there is no way I could adopt it myself regardless of my "good looks", she looked at me like I was retarded and responded with a most dumbfounded expression and a "whaaa?" Awesome.
Oh yeah my English teacher totally gave me an A when I didn't really deserve it because she thought my final essay was the best she ever read or some shit. Which is pretty cool I suppose. And it's also come to my attention that a number of people actually take time to read my blog so I'd like to thank you e-lurkers for reading my stuff. And instead of messaging me on feel free to hit me up on my aim = strghtdg89. I made it when I was like 12 give me a break.
My back is making improvements. It's been pretty F-d since the wreck but I'm in physical therapy now and it's going well. Also, my 3 year old nephew is here and he is out of control. He's already learned every bad word around and uses them incessantly. I know it's wrong but hearing him call my uncle Carlos an asshole ever 5 seconds is fucking hilarious.
In other news I've discovered that I can't be upset anymore. I can get annoyed or aggravated but I don't think I can lose my cool. I'm learning an even greater level of patience and that is something that I am actually proud of. I can't even remember the last time I've been angry. I'm not sure if this is healthy but I like the idea of serenity in my thoughts.
One last thing. Fuck Insurance. Fuck money. and Fuck the people who care about those things.